This portal is to capture your great ideas and improvements to the Insight platform. No PHI should be included and application issues should be still be reported to Clinicient Support.
Credit Cards to be an option when giving refunds currently it is a choice when taking a payment but not refunding type.
why we don't allow our refund system to have CREDIT CARDS as an option? So where they have the list on corrections and doing a refund credit cards are not an option?
Currently when clicking into a text box all of the text gets highlighted which makes it very easy to delete all current text in that box, which at times makes us re-do our work. It would be helpful if when clicking into a text box (ie: subjective,...
better breakdown in referral reporting to see payor mix sent by provider in a timeframe.
when you run a referral report it tells you how many pts a provider sends in a certain time frame but it wont show you what patients were sent. if you click on the provider then it takes you to every patient that theyve ever sent, not the ones sen...
Ability to Edit Evaluation Templates in Insight GO (web browser-based version of Insight)
My organization is trying to gradually switch over to Insight GO as opposed to the desktop program but it doesn't have full functionality because it lacks the ability for the clinician to edit evaluation templates. From Insight GO, the web browser...
When changing the status of a scheduled appointment to a 'failed state', like Rescheduled, the appointment prompt shows the word "cancelled" repeatedly. This can be confusing/misleading as therapists may be coached not to 'cancel' appointments. Ca...
When an appointment is cancelled, show waitlist pop-up for that time slot
I love how specific the options are. It would be even better if when we cancelled a patient on the therapist’s schedule, it gave us a pop-up reminder that someone was on the waitlist for that slot. For example. Sally Jones is on the waitlist for l...