This portal is to capture your great ideas and improvements to the Insight platform. No PHI should be included and application issues should be still be reported to Clinicient Support.
Allow one-click-claim to work as a feature per payer to allow more claims to be submitted electronically. Currently, all institutional claims have to be held for Medicare monthly, unable to have claims go out naturally. Would greatly reduce FTE/ma...
Waitlist Search Engine based on Date, Time and Therapist
It would be nice for when a patient cancels, you can easily search waitlist by date/time and therapist who would fit in that time based on criteria. Like if it canceled at 2 and then only the people are on my schedule and available that day of the...
Note Notification if another therapist is in the note so they do not override the other.
Since we work as a team in Industrial rehab, several therapists go into client's daily notes. A pop up warning that another therapist is in the note would be helpful so that information is not lost.
There is not currently a report that shows the reason codes and amounts for contractual adjustments. We would like to put in a feature request. The reason we would use this is most payers put their reasons in this bucket, so we want to look for is...
Please try to find solution to allow us to list 2 caregivers' email addresses into the Client Editor ->personal tab. This is a big pain point for our pediatric patients' families. Right now we have to list out the 2nd email contact in the 'note...
Is there anyway to add items to our company wide spell check? We are using this tool as a "short-hand" assistant for documenting because of it's find/replace feature and would like to add some common phrases.
I would like to ask if there is a way to adjust what are the required fields on the system. For example, we want to require fields for (1) copay, (2) Worker's Comp checkbox depending on the payer selected.
We would like to submit a feature request for the schedule to remember the last appointment type when searching a patient to add to the schedule. We are having an issue with the appointment type defaulting the Daily Visit. If the person scheduling...