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Clinicient Ideas Portal


This portal is to capture your great ideas and improvements to the Insight platform.
No PHI should be included and application issues should be still be reported to Clinicient Support.


All ideas

Showing 490

Improved communication between initial evaluation and POC Tracker

Recommended for improved compliance to have the duration in the initial evaluation automatically populate in the POC Tracker. If these dates due not match there is a potential risk for the dates of services not being covered under that specific POC.
almost 2 years ago in EMR: Documentation/Front Desk / Plan of Care Tracking 0 Future Consideration

Make anatomy selection "sticky"

When selecting anatomy: I insert an objective finding, select anatomy and side. When I got back later to add another objective finding, I have to again select anatomy and side. Is it possible to have this default to the most recent selection so th...
almost 2 years ago in EMR: Documentation/Front Desk / Chart View 0 Future Consideration

claim status code 9 required by Triwest

HI, we are wondering if there is a way to add a claim status code 9 when submitting a corrected claim. Triwest indicates they use this to bypass timely filing when listed in box 22 or data element CLM20. We only have 7-replacement or 8-void curren...
almost 2 years ago in Admin/Billing/Reporting / Claims 0 Future Consideration

blank 2nd page on statements

Triage and Engineering reviewed this. Here is the findings:The footer on the second page combined with the message box is what is causing the additional page. Those elements cannot fit on the first page. Please submit this in our Ideas Portal
12 months ago in Admin/Billing/Reporting / Statements 0 Future Consideration

Copy evaluation from old case to new case

Be able to copy forward an evaluation from an old case into a new case. will save time on subjective PMH, social history.
almost 2 years ago in EMR: Documentation/Front Desk / Documentation 0 Future Consideration

View other appointments for patient on "schedule" tab

I love that when in the "chart" tab the therapist can easily see the client's appointments for the month (arrived, failed, scheduled) as colored boxes on the calendar in the top right. It helps us tell at a glance how often the client has been com...
about 2 years ago in EMR: Documentation/Front Desk / Schedule 1 Future Consideration

When editing a patient appointment to reschedule them to another day, need to be able to change the treating therapist like we can the day/time

When editing a patient appointment to reschedule them to another day, need to be able to change the treating therapist like we can the day/time. Currently, we have to change the day/time first, then go to that day, then slide them over to the appr...
almost 3 years ago in EMR: Documentation/Front Desk / Schedule 0 Future Consideration

Add/edit new payer from InsightGO

It would be useful and time efficient to be able to add a new payer in InsightGO just like the "add/edit new referrer" feature.
about 2 years ago in Admin/Billing/Reporting / Manage Payers 0 Future Consideration

printing statements for active or non-active pts

I have requested this before but I would like an option when printing statements, to eliminate printing statements for active patients. That is wasteful as we already give those out in the office.
about 1 year ago in Admin/Billing/Reporting / Statements 0 Future Consideration

Re-scheduling appointments between different therapists on different days

When a patient reschedules an appointment to a different day, we are unable to EDIT the existing appointment with a different therapist. The patient has to be scheduled with the same therapist on the new day and then moved over to the new therapis...
about 2 years ago in EMR: Documentation/Front Desk / Scheduling Workflows 0 Future Consideration