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Clinicient Ideas Portal


This portal is to capture your great ideas and improvements to the Insight platform.
No PHI should be included and application issues should be still be reported to Clinicient Support.


All ideas

Showing 490

On "Add/Edit Staff page, include the "Other ID #" field on the Appointments Research Report.

By having the "Other ID #" field appear as part of the Appointments Research Report, we would be able to differentiate what visits were completed by our Employee Staff vs our 1099/Contractor staff for a chosen time period. We would use this to bui...
about 2 years ago in Admin/Billing/Reporting / Edit an Existing Report 0 Future Consideration

Mine existing data in the system to identify local companies that offer insurances we accept or want to work with.

By including the primary insurance "Subscriber" and "Patient Relationship to Subscriber" fields and also the patient employer fields in the Appointment Research Report; we can identify which employers in the area have what insurance plans to bette...
about 2 years ago in Admin/Billing/Reporting / Edit an Existing Report 0 Future Consideration

Limit View Access to Patient info to only their care team

Is there a way in Clinicient to limit people who are not in a patient's care team from looking at their personal information?
about 2 years ago in EMR: Documentation/Front Desk 0 Future Consideration

Copy Forward PMH from case to case.

I would like to have the medical history section copied forward for returning patients so we don't have to retype or ask all those PMH questions again
about 2 years ago in EMR: Documentation/Front Desk / Documentation 0 Future Consideration


Make it so that we can make multiple goals under 1 line. So if I select Scissors as being a deficit I can make multiple goals under that 1 heading all related to scissor skills.
about 2 years ago in EMR: Documentation/Front Desk / Goals 0 Future Consideration

Schedule in EMR does not grey out appts at other location

In Insight GO if a clinician has an appt at the other location, the appt is greyed out making it quick and clear that the appt is elsewhere. In Insight EMR the appt looks like a regular appt at the current location whose schedule is being viewed. ...
about 2 years ago in EMR: Documentation/Front Desk / Schedule 0 Future Consideration

Add POC tracking to L column in Classic EMR

Add POC tracking to the left column on the scheuduling tab in Classic EMR. In InsightGo the information is in L hand column when patient is highlighted on scheudle, would be nice to have in Classic version also
about 2 years ago in EMR: Documentation/Front Desk / Plan of Care Tracking / Schedule 0 Future Consideration

When entering data for a new patient street should be listed before zip code

When entering data for a new patient street should be listed before zip code
over 2 years ago in EMR: Documentation/Front Desk / Patient Setup 0 Future Consideration

Home phone should be higher up of listed on the 1st screen right now it is lower left, and you really have to search for it & it is highly important

Home phone should be higher up of listed on the 1st screen right now it is lower left, and you really have to search for it & it is highly important
over 2 years ago in EMR: Documentation/Front Desk / Demographics 0 Planned

Appointment Reminders to pull in additional fields

Member has 115+ clinics billing under 4-5 different company names. Clinics are named for internal tracking but do not include company name. The 'Company Name' field on appointment reminders does not currently pull any data. Member would prefer if ...
over 2 years ago in EMR: Documentation/Front Desk / Appointment Reminders 0 Future Consideration