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Clinicient Ideas Portal


This portal is to capture your great ideas and improvements to the Insight platform.
No PHI should be included and application issues should be still be reported to Clinicient Support.


EMR: Documentation/Front Desk

Showing 357

IGO New Schedule - Add new patient from an appointment time

I would like to initiate adding a new patient from a selected appointment slot. Office staff are normally on the phone with the patient as they are scheduling an evaluation. It would streamline the case creation/scheduling process to be able to se...
about 2 years ago in EMR: Documentation/Front Desk / Scheduling Workflows 0 Future Consideration

report that hold patient name and payer

Please create a simple report with the patient name and payer only that can be printed daily or weekly. This is helpful for front office workers that is handling 100+ patients scheduled every day. At the end of the day, the worker can print the re...
about 1 year ago in EMR: Documentation/Front Desk / Reporting 0 Existing Functionality

Shield- Show secondary insurance

Is there a way to get the 2ndry insurance to show with the primary ins under the shield in the quickview area, as we have different rules to follow with POC's etc and do not catch these. Thank you . As in Insight Go we can not see the 2ndry unless...
about 3 years ago in EMR: Documentation/Front Desk / Chart View 0 Future Consideration

Allow Authorizations To Be Entered Regardless of Subscriber Field

As InsightGo is set up now you are only able to enter an authorization once you've entered the Insurance Subscriber. The system would better serve office staff being able to enter authorizations regardless of subscriber field completion to avoid p...
about 2 years ago in EMR: Documentation/Front Desk / Auth Tracking / Insurance 0 Future Consideration

Need a change log in the letter templates

The logos for a clinic have been edited to the wrong logo, and would like to know how or who is editing these templates.
about 3 years ago in EMR: Documentation/Front Desk / Letters 0 Future Consideration

Payer notes

Is there a way to add a permanent note in the notes section on the left hand side of the payers section? We verify the patients benefits and have to type each one in individually. There is not a box for out of pocket or boxes for amounts met/remai...
about 1 year ago in EMR: Documentation/Front Desk / Notes 0 Future Consideration

Ability to write notes and have attachments open simultaneously.

We cannot read attachments and document at the same time. Right now, my solution is going to a second computer, for something that should be reasonably done on one computer. When we have an evaluation, 99% of the time we have hospital notes in our...
about 1 year ago in EMR: Documentation/Front Desk / Attachments / Notes 0 Future Consideration

Body charts for pain in the note

A friend is using a software called practice perfect. There are body charts for pain in the note so you can mark where the patient has pain. I love that! For hand therapists, it would be super helpful to have pictures of the hands show up in the c...
about 1 year ago in EMR: Documentation/Front Desk / Documentation 0 Future Consideration

have the summary be historical and available when using the Magic Eye

Summary information from the Objective section hasn't been populating with the magic eyeball. All information from previous notes should show up with the magic eyeball.
about 1 year ago in EMR: Documentation/Front Desk / Documentation 0 Future Consideration

Auth Tracking - to allow multiple lines of auth for specific dx or body part.

Work Comp Payers like to provide auth for multiple body parts (dx) and the # of visits will not be the same. So we need the tracker to allow us to add example: 10 visits for low back and 20 visits for neck pain. And tie that into the documentation...
about 2 years ago in EMR: Documentation/Front Desk / Auth Tracking 0 Future Consideration