This portal is to capture your great ideas and improvements to the Insight platform. No PHI should be included and application issues should be still be reported to Clinicient Support.
Would like to see the administrative reports- patient sign in sheet and patient sign in sheet last initial only added to IGO. Would like to see the appointment analysis report-active cases by clinic by therapist added to IGO. Would like to see the...
Currently when clicking into a text box all of the text gets highlighted which makes it very easy to delete all current text in that box, which at times makes us re-do our work. It would be helpful if when clicking into a text box (ie: subjective,...
IGO New Schedule - Add new patient from an appointment time
I would like to initiate adding a new patient from a selected appointment slot. Office staff are normally on the phone with the patient as they are scheduling an evaluation. It would streamline the case creation/scheduling process to be able to se...
Allow Authorizations To Be Entered Regardless of Subscriber Field
As InsightGo is set up now you are only able to enter an authorization once you've entered the Insurance Subscriber. The system would better serve office staff being able to enter authorizations regardless of subscriber field completion to avoid p...
Ability to Edit Evaluation Templates in Insight GO (web browser-based version of Insight)
My organization is trying to gradually switch over to Insight GO as opposed to the desktop program but it doesn't have full functionality because it lacks the ability for the clinician to edit evaluation templates. From Insight GO, the web browser...
I would like to request an addition to the Clinical Settings section for "Schedule Rows". Currently the available "Minutes per Block" are 10, 15, 20 and 30. I would like to request the addition of 5 minutes so that we can have some clinics operate...