This portal is to capture your great ideas and improvements to the Insight platform. No PHI should be included and application issues should be still be reported to Clinicient Support.
We would like to see a free text alert box available for each patient. This free text alert box could be activated within the patient record for any internal alert for the patient needed. The alert box would pop up every time the patient was selec...
If I am halfway through writing out a complex task note and I am interrupted, I either have to send it half finished or exit out completely. The ability to save task draft would be helpful in making sure nothing gets forgotten
Print a daily schedule with patient's name and phone number. We are in Hurricane alley and need to be able to notify patients of openings and closings. Others may have similar issues for next day contacting.
It would help with contacting patients when landlines are down and ability to have contacts in hand when systems are down, as well.
Prompt upon case creation to change "Guarantor" if patient is minor
Current the system defaults to "self" or not at all, it would helpful if there was a prompt or notice when the new patient being entered is a minor, because this situation currently requires a change in the guarantor tab. This would avoid issues w...
When going to delete a recurring appointment, give the option to delete only this appointment or all appointments going forwards-- both regular patient appointments and "other" appointments.
Working front desk, I get many requests for chart notes from WC or insurance companies. We need to be able to open a chart and save the entire chart on the desktop. Printing out six weeks of notes separately is a waste of paper and time. We work w...
Maintain a patient selection when scheduling multiple appointments
It would increase efficiency with scheduling if you could search for a patient and have them selected so that when you go to schedule an appointment you don't have to search for the patient again. This would be especially helpful when scheduling p...
Make it so when patients check in and have multiple appointments with difference disciplines that they are checked into all of their appointments with 1 click.
Analytics Report time stamp with am/pm or military time
When running report on documentation finalization noted the day/time stamp is available however unknown if am/pm. This is important data need to check if documentation is being done in timely manner based on specific expectations. Per our billing ...