This portal is to capture your great ideas and improvements to the Insight platform. No PHI should be included and application issues should be still be reported to Clinicient Support.
It would be helpful to have a patient AR report that shows the patient aging based off of the primary payer category. Our team works accounts by primary payer category including the patient AR. This would save us HOURS of work. Essentially if we c...
Add Remark Codes section to Denials by Denial Date Report
Request for 2 columns to be added Remark Codes and Remark Description/Reason on the Denials by Denial Date Report. Remark Codes come from 835 files once posted based off WPC (Washington publishing company)
A comprehensive & itemized audit report is required that captures all activities a staff member performs in the system. The User Detail report provides no patient level detail & is not helpful. The other audit report, Access Audit Report -...
better breakdown in referral reporting to see payor mix sent by provider in a timeframe.
when you run a referral report it tells you how many pts a provider sends in a certain time frame but it wont show you what patients were sent. if you click on the provider then it takes you to every patient that theyve ever sent, not the ones sen...
I am trying to export AR reports and manipulate in excel, but have issues because of the grouping, merging and formatting that is on the reports. When I export to excel, you have to be careful then not to accidentally click on the name or it tries...
There is not currently a report that shows the reason codes and amounts for contractual adjustments. We would like to put in a feature request. The reason we would use this is most payers put their reasons in this bucket, so we want to look for is...
A report that captures charge/payment/adjustment/denial detail by CPT by primary payer category and payer to include adjustment and denial reasons. Requested by clients often for contract negotiations. Charge Detail V2 captures all put Primary Pay...
Therapist Productivity Reimbursement - New Report Parameter
We need a report under productivity that shows reimbursement on a weekly basis, not just monthly. Therapist Productivity- Reimbursement Date range, not period close