This portal is to capture your great ideas and improvements to the Insight platform. No PHI should be included and application issues should be still be reported to Clinicient Support.
When asked "Does the system alerts for Plan of Care when Medicare is secondary?" We were advised that the POC alerts is designed for primary payers only. We would like to request to have the POC alerts to be added for when Medicare is the secondar...
Add "Credit Card" as a Method Type when Posting Insurance Payments
Is it possible to add another method type called "Credit Card" to choose from when posting Insurance Payments (from Payments F5 tab)? We have been receiving more insurance payments via credit card and it would make reconciliation easier if this me...
Would be helpful to add more options/colors to signed notes to allow for quicker recognition of appt. type. and better tracking of supervised visits for COTAs/PTAs.
Apply to all Cases Option for Updating Payer Information
When payer information needs to be updated, it would save a ton of time to be able to have an "Apply to All Cases" button rather than having to create/update new payer versions across all cases individually. For example: right now, I have a patien...
For Insight Go, there does not appear to be a way to navigate to a specific appointment when viewing a list of patient appointments (eg in Classic we can double click on an appointment when viewing the list, and immediately go to that appointment ...
Would LOVE the current auth remaining visit count on the appointment research reports v5. How many AUTH visits remaining as of that days schedule. (do not consider future appointments against auth count) just current of that DATE of SERVICE
Authorization Tracking Version 2 - Updated Reports
For the Updated Reports/ Authorization Tracking V2, it would be helpful to have a real time ACTUAL remaining Auth # column which does NOT include future scheduled appointments. In example, if in auth is in a case for 4 visits with date range 01/01...
We would love to have a section of the demographics where we could enter the name/phone number/address of the patient's Health Care Proxy or Power of Attorney and maybe a "yes/no" toggle for whether we have the paperwork for this on file in the at...