This portal is to capture your great ideas and improvements to the Insight platform. No PHI should be included and application issues should be still be reported to Clinicient Support.
Is there a way to add a permanent note in the notes section on the left hand side of the payers section? We verify the patients benefits and have to type each one in individually. There is not a box for out of pocket or boxes for amounts met/remai...
Ability to write notes and have attachments open simultaneously.
We cannot read attachments and document at the same time. Right now, my solution is going to a second computer, for something that should be reasonably done on one computer. When we have an evaluation, 99% of the time we have hospital notes in our...
A friend is using a software called practice perfect. There are body charts for pain in the note so you can mark where the patient has pain. I love that! For hand therapists, it would be super helpful to have pictures of the hands show up in the c...
have the summary be historical and available when using the Magic Eye
Summary information from the Objective section hasn't been populating with the magic eyeball. All information from previous notes should show up with the magic eyeball.
Please add CareCredit as another type of credit card to the list of credit card options in the Cash Register.It would clear up a lot of confusion the front desk is having about how to post those type of credit card payments. Thanks!
Need autopopulation of the current case in Letters
it is inefficient when creating a letter to scroll down trough all the the cases (all are closed with the (Case=No) except for the current case (case=Yes) I'm working on. Often, I forget to choose the current case, write up my letter only to reali...
I would like to request an addition to the Clinical Settings section for "Schedule Rows". Currently the available "Minutes per Block" are 10, 15, 20 and 30. I would like to request the addition of 5 minutes so that we can have some clinics operate...