This portal is to capture your great ideas and improvements to the Insight platform. No PHI should be included and application issues should be still be reported to Clinicient Support.
Please improve the formatting of letters generated in InsightGO. It does not match the formatting in Insight Classic and looks unprofessional when communicating with doctors and other medical personnel. All members utilizing InsightGO would benefi...
Apply to all Cases Option for Updating Payer Information
When payer information needs to be updated, it would save a ton of time to be able to have an "Apply to All Cases" button rather than having to create/update new payer versions across all cases individually. For example: right now, I have a patien...
It would be nice to come up with a tool like the text reminders to notify families if a therapist calls off for the day for illness. The same way families receive an appointment reminder
Suggestion to have an effective/termination date added to the payer credentialing under the edit staff
Would be very helpful to have an effective/termination date added to the payer credentialing under the edit staff. We have this for insurance for patients.
A significant amount of time and resources would be saved by having the ability to fax claims to payers that have a fax number loaded in the Payer Setup. It would also provide proof of timely filing if the fax submission appeared on the Fax Transm...
allow insurance plan end dates to be entered and tracked
This would be helpful for plans that don't renew on the first of the calendar year, such as plans colleges offer for staff and students, so it would trigger a notification that benefit reverification was required.
Print a daily schedule with patient's name and phone number. We are in Hurricane alley and need to be able to notify patients of openings and closings. Others may have similar issues for next day contacting.
It would help with contacting patients when landlines are down and ability to have contacts in hand when systems are down, as well.
Auth tracking to be able to handle auths by specific CPT codes
Clincient is not showing when a secondary insurance authorization is critical for auth. Is there any way we can make sure these secondary insurances are giving us the same information on reporting that the primary insurance is? Many state MCDs aut...
Add "Credit Card" as a Method Type when Posting Insurance Payments
Is it possible to add another method type called "Credit Card" to choose from when posting Insurance Payments (from Payments F5 tab)? We have been receiving more insurance payments via credit card and it would make reconciliation easier if this me...