This portal is to capture your great ideas and improvements to the Insight platform. No PHI should be included and application issues should be still be reported to Clinicient Support.
Appointment notes are really important in our clinics. In InsightGO, it's great to see the Appointment Notes icon on the Schedule. The enhancement request we are suggesting is that the Appointment Notes icon is also visible within the Chart Left N...
Would like an icon on the schedule indicating if a patient has a copay
Currently, the $ on the schedule indicates if the patient has a balance due, but I would like an icon on the schedule that notifies if the patient has a copay associated with their account (basically if there is something written in the "copay" bo...
visit count with max visit (XX of XX) vs authorized visits, alert when reaching the cap
It would be helpful to have the max visit count be considered (work like a count) in the "shield" of IGO to allow better tracking. It will only work when an authorization is put in vs just the standard insurance. It will count the visits but an al...
Prior to one of the updates, the PN/POC placement on the case tab was underneath the diagnosis codes. Since the update, the PN/POC is reported in a column 1/3 the size of the screen and causes the info to text wrap and is very difficult to read an...
Please expand the very small margins for notes in the Procedures section of the evaluation and daily treatment documents.
Please expand the margins for notes in the Procedures section of evaluation and daily documents as all information has to be crammed into a 1-2 inch wide field. For some reason this section is very small, despite clinicians needing to enter signif...
Rather than the name of the clinic the on the appointment in the schedule view. It would be beneficial to have a preview to the appointment note, if there was one added.
We are having some issues switching over to InsightGO from the desktop application. Please see below -can't print more than 1 page for chart notes when we have a records request, we need to be able to print multiple days worth of chart notes.
It would be nice if we could edit an appointment's details from the Appointments tab of a patient's record in GO instead of having to go back and forth to the Schedule.
Notes that's entered on the patient's appointment to carry over to the notes in IGO
We see all the notes from scheduling in regard to why patient cancelled appointment in the Billing Note Section and would not like those to come over . under the account F7 note section .ex. No Show, called to leave message - getting gel injection...