This portal is to capture your great ideas and improvements to the Insight platform. No PHI should be included and application issues should be still be reported to Clinicient Support.
We would love to have a section of the demographics where we could enter the name/phone number/address of the patient's Health Care Proxy or Power of Attorney and maybe a "yes/no" toggle for whether we have the paperwork for this on file in the at...
After a patient is marked as arrived a pop up box would appear to alert to the front desk staff or billing department or therapist to make sure that this task is completed when the patient arrives. (There would be either a front desk box, billing ...
Schedule warning when authorization has expired or patient used up all the visits
Would like for there to be an alert when someone tries to schedule a patient beyond their number of authorized visits or outside of their authorized visit dates. This would cut down on unauthorized or non-payed for visits for patients as well as f...
Customize Demographics and Case Fields available/required
Create a way for leadership to define what Demographic information (aside from hard coded fields required for claim creation/billing) is populated when creating a new patient and case. This would allow leadership to filter out non required fields ...
Max visit limit countdown feature request: • We have two major payers that have calendar year visit max and require authorization after x amount of visits. Ex. 20 visit limit with precert required after the 5th visit. • There is currently do not h...
Tracking patient visit limits for multiple cases Requesting that there be an option to track visit count per patient across all cases. We are getting more patients that have a yearly visit max, regardless of the case.
Copy and Paste appointments- Give warning if surpassing Insurance Authorization Limit
Currently the system allows for us to schedule (specifically using the copy/paste appt function) beyond an authorization date and/or visit limit with no warning or alert that the patient has surpassed these limits. If you use the "right-click add ...