This portal is to capture your great ideas and improvements to the Insight platform. No PHI should be included and application issues should be still be reported to Clinicient Support.
We should be able to search messages and we should be able to organize them in folders just like emails. Now you have to go page by page to find a message and this is very time consuming as if you click in a message and it isn't the one you want, ...
It would save the clinician time if they could add a precaution to a patient's chart while in documenting in the note. As it is now, I can do that after I have added one precaution. But I have to click out of the note to add the first precaution.
Goals: When you want to simply complete a goal, we have to change the date to current or future date to complete/meet it. There is not a way to back date the goal before completing it. It would be nice to be able to mark complete without necessari...
a way to trigger a prompt/link when a therapist faxes an initial evaluation that quickly allows them to click over to patient's case and add the POC and Progress note at the same time as sending the evaluation
It is standard to manually add a POC to the patient's case when completing a patient's initial evaluation. It would also be standard to add a progress report to the patient's case after a therapist completes and sends a progress note to the doctor...
Add/Remove chart template similar to how you can add/remove categories by checking/unchecking
if you add template by mistake need to cancel, reschedule and re arrive visit. Would be nice to have it similar to the areas and categories where you can just check or unck and they are added/removed. Would be smoother and quicker.
The visit function does not communicate when seting up the plan of care tracker. The progress repot tracker works for both the visit function and the date function. Id like the plan of care tracker to work the same. Its set up the same as the prog...
Add drop down menu to billing codes for Ther. Ex, Neuro Reed, and Therapeutic Activities
Since insurance auditors are asking for treatment rationale for billing Ther. Ex, Neuro reed, and Ther. Activities, I would like to suggest a drop down menu that would pop up when each of these codes are used so that you could customize for each p...
remove trailing spaces in all the search text bars
Automatically remove trailing spaces in all the search text bars. It's annoying that WebPT won't recognize a search word if there happens to be a trailing space.