This portal is to capture your great ideas and improvements to the Insight platform. No PHI should be included and application issues should be still be reported to Clinicient Support.
A report that captures charge/payment/adjustment/denial detail by CPT by primary payer category and payer to include adjustment and denial reasons. Requested by clients often for contract negotiations. Charge Detail V2 captures all put Primary Pay...
Therapist Productivity Reimbursement - New Report Parameter
We need a report under productivity that shows reimbursement on a weekly basis, not just monthly. Therapist Productivity- Reimbursement Date range, not period close
Adding option % of Medicare to Edit Payer>Fee Schedule tab
In Payers> Edit payers> Fee Schedule tab an option for % of Medicare would be extremely beneficial as more and more payers contract at a % of Medicare rates vs % of Charge or Fee Schedules
Patient Payments automatically apply to correct claim/date of service
Clients are having the issue where patient payments are being applied to the wrong location. Feature request to correct this is allowing the payment to be posted through the appointment which will then grab all information associated with that app...
More security access options for Letters in the client editor
Currently, in the system, anyone can edit or delete letters in the client editor by double-clicking them. This can create a security and medical record discrepancy issue. Requesting more restrictions on the editing and deleting of created letters....
We would like the ability to choose specific dates of service to print on a statement. If insurance has processed several DOS incorrectly - but a few correctly, we want to be able to send the statement for the correctly processed DOS instead of ha...
Import / Upload a file to create or modify fee schedules.
We would like to request a way to import an excel file or any type of file that would load the charge rates for us when creating new fee schedules or versions. Manually entering new charge code fees individually for multiple fee schedules can be t...