This portal is to capture your great ideas and improvements to the Insight platform. No PHI should be included and application issues should be still be reported to Clinicient Support.
inactivate appointment statuses that are no long used
would like to inactivate appt status starting with School Scheduled - Ongoing Therapy Scheduled - School School - Cancelled w Notice (24 Hours +) School - Cancelled w/o Notice School - IEP Meeting School - No Show School - Open
In the Staff Account in Edit Staff notes time/dated by user, and can not be deleted
In the notes section in the staff account anyone can edit and delete the notes, would like that section to time/date stamp with user info and make it where the notes can not be deleted
My request would be the ERAs pull in the allowable amounts from the payers, so we can then report off of them. Today we can do payments and adjustments. Payments only show what has been paid at the time (not necessarily patient amounts), so if we ...
Allow one-click-claim to work as a feature per payer to allow more claims to be submitted electronically. Currently, all institutional claims have to be held for Medicare monthly, unable to have claims go out naturally. Would greatly reduce FTE/ma...
There is not currently a report that shows the reason codes and amounts for contractual adjustments. We would like to put in a feature request. The reason we would use this is most payers put their reasons in this bucket, so we want to look for is...