This portal is to capture your great ideas and improvements to the Insight platform. No PHI should be included and application issues should be still be reported to Clinicient Support.
Some payers are requesting the start & stop time for therapy services performed instead of total minutes. Are there fields in Clinicient for the start/stop time to be added?
A report that captures charge/payment/adjustment/denial detail by CPT by primary payer category and payer to include adjustment and denial reasons. Requested by clients often for contract negotiations. Charge Detail V2 captures all put Primary Pay...
When manually entering a payment we have only three options, check, EFT, and EOB only. We receive many virtual credit card payments. How can we add a VCC option?
Printing therapist schedule from IGO should not include failed appointments
Printing the therapist's schedule from IGO includes failed appointments. This happens even if the "Hide failed appts" checkbox is checked prior to hitting the print button. This is not desired. When you have the "Hide failed appts" checked in EMR ...
Therapist Productivity Reimbursement - New Report Parameter
We need a report under productivity that shows reimbursement on a weekly basis, not just monthly. Therapist Productivity- Reimbursement Date range, not period close