This portal is to capture your great ideas and improvements to the Insight platform. No PHI should be included and application issues should be still be reported to Clinicient Support.
Please add CareCredit as another type of credit card to the list of credit card options in the Cash Register.It would clear up a lot of confusion the front desk is having about how to post those type of credit card payments. Thanks!
I would like to request an addition to the Clinical Settings section for "Schedule Rows". Currently the available "Minutes per Block" are 10, 15, 20 and 30. I would like to request the addition of 5 minutes so that we can have some clinics operate...
Need autopopulation of the current case in Letters
it is inefficient when creating a letter to scroll down trough all the the cases (all are closed with the (Case=No) except for the current case (case=Yes) I'm working on. Often, I forget to choose the current case, write up my letter only to reali...
We would like the secondary insurance information added to the sidebar on the schedule. Secondary information is important to have quick access to when viewing the patient.
For Plan of Care, when a patient is discharged they will come off of the report, is there a way to track those Plan of Cares so we don't lose them? In order to be medicare complient we need to have them signed.
Can the resources be added to the appointment details in InsightGO, like they are in EMR? Therapists need to see which appts are using which resources in IGO.