This portal is to capture your great ideas and improvements to the Insight platform. No PHI should be included and application issues should be still be reported to Clinicient Support.
Suggestion to have an effective/termination date added to the payer credentialing under the edit staff
Would be very helpful to have an effective/termination date added to the payer credentialing under the edit staff. We have this for insurance for patients.
Sort Appt History Chronologically by year on Change Log Tab
When viewing appt hx on change log tab, Clinicient for some strange reason sorts the visits based on MONTH rather than YEAR. This serves no purpose and makes viewing the appointment history extremely confusing when looking at a patient who has tre...
Apply to all Cases Option for Updating Payer Information
When payer information needs to be updated, it would save a ton of time to be able to have an "Apply to All Cases" button rather than having to create/update new payer versions across all cases individually. For example: right now, I have a patien...
When a patient calls and leaves a phone number without any other identifiable information or the voicemail gets broken up by service it would be helpful to reverse search for patient by phone number.
A pop up would come up after no showing the patient’s appointment to help clinicians and the reception team monitor the attendance of the patients and to limit no-shows. The pop up would show the number of times a patient has no showed for their a...
We would love to see an Authorization Required check box in the client's profile that would also be linked to reports we could run to ensure we are closely tracking these authorizations.