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Clinicient Ideas Portal


This portal is to capture your great ideas and improvements to the Insight platform.
No PHI should be included and application issues should be still be reported to Clinicient Support.



Showing 95

Can POC track length of POC in both days and number of visits?

In the POC tracker…I see a spot to tracks the length of the POC in days and the number of visits. Will it track both? For example if I want to indicate that my POC is good for 90 days or 24 visits will it keep a tracker for both parameters if ente...
about 1 year ago in EMR: Documentation/Front Desk / Plan of Care Tracking 0 Future Consideration

Track Progress Reports by Days or Visits

Therapists are being alerted on every patient in iGO that the Progress Report is due even though it is not due for 30 days.
about 1 year ago in EMR: Documentation/Front Desk / Documentation 0 Future Consideration

Make the PRs visually appear to “belong” to the POC that they go with

Plan of Care and Progress ReportsCan we make the PRs visually appear to “belong” to the POC that they go with?
about 1 year ago in EMR: Documentation/Front Desk / Documentation 0 Future Consideration

Fax Chart Notes for Patients in One Batch

When faxing batch chart notes from the print> chart notes. The system is faxing over individual faxes per visit.
about 1 year ago in EMR: Documentation/Front Desk / Documentation 0 Future Consideration

Shield- Show secondary insurance

Is there a way to get the 2ndry insurance to show with the primary ins under the shield in the quickview area, as we have different rules to follow with POC's etc and do not catch these. Thank you . As in Insight Go we can not see the 2ndry unless...
about 3 years ago in EMR: Documentation/Front Desk / Chart View 0 Future Consideration

Body charts for pain in the note

A friend is using a software called practice perfect. There are body charts for pain in the note so you can mark where the patient has pain. I love that! For hand therapists, it would be super helpful to have pictures of the hands show up in the c...
about 1 year ago in EMR: Documentation/Front Desk / Documentation 0 Future Consideration

have the summary be historical and available when using the Magic Eye

Summary information from the Objective section hasn't been populating with the magic eyeball. All information from previous notes should show up with the magic eyeball.
about 1 year ago in EMR: Documentation/Front Desk / Documentation 0 Future Consideration

Improved communication between initial evaluation and POC Tracker

Recommended for improved compliance to have the duration in the initial evaluation automatically populate in the POC Tracker. If these dates due not match there is a potential risk for the dates of services not being covered under that specific POC.
about 2 years ago in EMR: Documentation/Front Desk / Plan of Care Tracking 0 Future Consideration

Make anatomy selection "sticky"

When selecting anatomy: I insert an objective finding, select anatomy and side. When I got back later to add another objective finding, I have to again select anatomy and side. Is it possible to have this default to the most recent selection so th...
about 2 years ago in EMR: Documentation/Front Desk / Chart View 0 Future Consideration

Copy evaluation from old case to new case

Be able to copy forward an evaluation from an old case into a new case. will save time on subjective PMH, social history.
about 2 years ago in EMR: Documentation/Front Desk / Documentation 0 Future Consideration