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Clinicient Ideas Portal


This portal is to capture your great ideas and improvements to the Insight platform.
No PHI should be included and application issues should be still be reported to Clinicient Support.



Showing 84

Link from schedule to waitlist

Create a link from the schedule directly to the wait list
almost 3 years ago in EMR: Documentation/Front Desk / Waitlist 0 Future Consideration

Default to the Last Appointment Type Scheduled

We would like to submit a feature request for the schedule to remember the last appointment type when searching a patient to add to the schedule. We are having an issue with the appointment type defaulting the Daily Visit. If the person scheduling...
almost 3 years ago in EMR: Documentation/Front Desk / Schedule 0 Future Consideration

Print Patient Schedule be Editable Example: to have a logo at the top and marketing message at the bottom information

I had a ticket about 3 years ago asking about editing the Print Patient Schedule option when right clicking on an appointment. I'd like to revisit this and see if any feature has been added to be able to edit any content on this print out, and if ...
about 3 years ago in EMR: Documentation/Front Desk / Printed Materials / Schedule 0 Future Consideration

waitlist in clasic

Hi the classic version is the only option we are able to use and we need access to a waitlist in the system. We are needing rely on spreadsheets that are not as easly updated and can not be shared with our staff that are contracted
over 1 year ago in EMR: Documentation/Front Desk / Waitlist 0 Existing Functionality

Printing therapist schedule from IGO should not include failed appointments

Printing the therapist's schedule from IGO includes failed appointments. This happens even if the "Hide failed appts" checkbox is checked prior to hitting the print button. This is not desired. When you have the "Hide failed appts" checked in EMR ...
almost 4 years ago in EMR: Documentation/Front Desk / Printed Materials / Schedule 0 Future Consideration

Print Schedule for Therapist- 1 month

I am trying to print up my schedule in the month view in either or both Insight GO and/or Classic
about 4 years ago in EMR: Documentation/Front Desk / Schedule 0 In Progress

Schedule in EMR does not grey out appts at other location

In Insight GO if a clinician has an appt at the other location, the appt is greyed out making it quick and clear that the appt is elsewhere. In Insight EMR the appt looks like a regular appt at the current location whose schedule is being viewed. ...
about 2 years ago in EMR: Documentation/Front Desk / Schedule 0 Future Consideration

Add POC tracking to L column in Classic EMR

Add POC tracking to the left column on the scheuduling tab in Classic EMR. In InsightGo the information is in L hand column when patient is highlighted on scheudle, would be nice to have in Classic version also
about 2 years ago in EMR: Documentation/Front Desk / Plan of Care Tracking / Schedule 0 Future Consideration

Print future appointments to be formatted like Classic

Our printed copy of a patient's schedule when coming from I-GO has margins to wide and cuts off information and the format is very different than when printed from EMR.
over 2 years ago in EMR: Documentation/Front Desk / Printed Materials / Schedule 0 Future Consideration

Appointment reminder ICON on the New IGO schedule

In Classic, we are able to see when appointment reminders go out for patients who need a phone call. From what I see there is no way to see this in GO. Can this be added like it is in Classic into GO?
over 2 years ago in EMR: Documentation/Front Desk / Appointment Reminders / Schedule 0 Future Consideration