This portal is to capture your great ideas and improvements to the Insight platform. No PHI should be included and application issues should be still be reported to Clinicient Support.
It would be helpful to be able to change the cosigner without the note having to be unsigned and re-routed to the correct signer. This feature exists in Classic and would be great to have in Go.
Include date of injury with counter under doctor icon in GO
Include date of injury with counter (similar to date of surgery with counter) under doctor icon in GO. If we are treating a conservatively managed patient, it is helpful to know an exact time frame since injury when considering progression.
Make it so that we can make multiple goals under 1 line. So if I select Scissors as being a deficit I can make multiple goals under that 1 heading all related to scissor skills.
Schedule in EMR does not grey out appts at other location
In Insight GO if a clinician has an appt at the other location, the appt is greyed out making it quick and clear that the appt is elsewhere. In Insight EMR the appt looks like a regular appt at the current location whose schedule is being viewed. ...
Add POC tracking to the left column on the scheuduling tab in Classic EMR. In InsightGo the information is in L hand column when patient is highlighted on scheudle, would be nice to have in Classic version also