This portal is to capture your great ideas and improvements to the Insight platform. No PHI should be included and application issues should be still be reported to Clinicient Support.
This was a feature of the classic EMR. The way it is currently set up I have to arrive the note. Then if they have a balance the cash register opens up. So I have to close that. Then I have to click twice more to open the note and begin documentin...
Way to assign patients to PTA for tracking and reporting purposes
Member needs some way to track which patients the PTA's are assigned to. This not related to actual visits. They would like the field to be searchable field one a report. This will allow them to see each PTA's number of patients and patients' name...
Is there a way to change the color of the cases in the Case Information tab of Client Editor? Some patients have both PT and OT cases and our Therapist has accidentally charted on the PT case instead of the OT case.
Adding subscriber information without requiring subscriber address
Insurances do not require subscriber address for claims processing. It would be ideal to add subscriber information in the insurance section without requiring subscriber address. Currently, if the subscriber address is not entered, claims will hol...
Appointment Reminders to pull in additional fields
Member has 115+ clinics billing under 4-5 different company names. Clinics are named for internal tracking but do not include company name. The 'Company Name' field on appointment reminders does not currently pull any data. Member would prefer if ...
In Classic, we are able to see when appointment reminders go out for patients who need a phone call. From what I see there is no way to see this in GO. Can this be added like it is in Classic into GO?